Cash flows from operating activities
Receipts from the Crown
$726,480 |
Receipts from other revenue
$7,986 |
$(404,536) |
Payments to employees
$(389,256) |
$(449,120) |
Payments to suppliers
$(219,088) |
Payments for capital charge
$(23,107) |
$1,577 |
Goods and services tax (net)
$1,738 |
$1 |
$1 |
Net cash flow from operating activities
$104,753 |
$73,122 |
Cash flows from investing activities
- |
Receipts from sale of property, plant and equipment
$(4,505) |
Purchases of property, plant and equipment
$(23,035) |
Purchases of intangible assets
$(14,262) |
$(30,725) |
$(37,505) |
Net cash flow from investing activities
$(36,685) |
$(52,625) |
Cash flows from financing activities
Capital injections
$2,700 |
$2,700 |
- |
Repayment of surplus to the Crown
$(52,266) |
- |
$(119,200) |
Capital withdrawals
Net cash flow from financing activities
$(61,466) |
$(20,500) |
$(5,500) |
Net increase or (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
$6,602 |
$(3) |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year
$46,663 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year
$53,265 |
$52,374 |
Net surplus
$28,987 |
Add or (less) non-cash items
Amortisation, depreciation and impairment
$48,596 |
Movement in fair value of derivative financial instruments
$12,232 |
Total non-cash items
$60,828 |
$85,772 |
Add items classified as investing or financing activities
Net loss or (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
$139 |
Total items classified as investing or financing activities
- |
- |
Add or (less) working capital movements
(Increase) or decrease in debtor Crown
$(50) |
$(11,276) |
$(1,375) |
(Increase) or decrease in debtors and prepayments
$5,372 |
Increase or (decrease) in creditors and other payables
$3,241 |
Increase or (decrease) in employee entitlements
$5,555 |
Increase or (decrease) in provision for other liabilities
$681 |
$29 |
Net movements in working capital items
$14,799 |
$(6,638) |
Net cash flow from operating activities
$104,752 |