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Inland Revenue Te Tari Taake’s employee ethnicity closely reflects the ethnicity breakdown in New Zealand. New Zealand’s working-age population1  is 15% Māori, 7% Pacific peoples.

Representation for Asian, MELAA and Pacific peoples at Inland Revenue Te Tari Taake is higher than in the New Zealand working population, but lower for European, Māori and other ethnicities. However, the diversity is concentrated within our front-line roles and lower paid roles. In our higher paid, more senior or influential roles there is less diverse representation.

Over the past year, our representation for most non-European groups has increased, and remained stable for Māori. 

Ethnicity representation by organisation level position
Ethnicity Senior Management Management Team Leader Staff
European 94% 86% 74% 57%
Asian 3% 7% 11% 26%
Māori 8% 9% 13% 13%
MELAA 0% 3% 2% 3%
Pacific peoples 3% 4% 9% 9%
Other Ethnicities 0% 3% 1% 1%

European representation increases as the organisation level increases.

Note: Ethnicity totals equal more than 100% due to individuals declaring multiple ethnicities.

Representation compared with New Zealand population
Ethnicity IR NZ Population
Asian 24% 18%
European 59% 67%
Māori 12% 15%
MELAA and other ethnicities 4% 3%
Pacific peoples 9% 7%

Our employee ethnicity closely reflects the ethnicity breakdown in New Zealand.

Average remuneration by gender and ethnicity
Gender and ethnicity Average remuneration
Male/Tāne European $113,030.84 
Male/Tāne Māori $103,170.56 
Female/Wāhine European $95,399.36 
Male/Tāne Pacific peoples  $91,843.09 
Male/Tāne MELAA $89,995.21 
Male/Tāne Asian  $85,796.70 
Female/Wāhine Māori  $81,286.11 
Female/Wāhine MELAA  $81,271.23 
Female/Wāhine Pacific peoples  $77,713.86 
Female/Wāhine Asian  $77,634.73 

The average pay is lower for Pacific, Asian, Māori and MELAA women and highest for European men.

1Statistics New Zealand Household Labour Force survey, March 2024

Last updated: 14 Nov 2024
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