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Kia Toipoto - Public Service Pay Gaps Action Plan progress
Kia Toipoto area Milestone IR progress
Te Pono
Agencies and entities publish annual action plans based on gender and ethnicity data and union/employee feedback. Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Roadmap includes our progress and action relating to Kia Toipoto. This roadmap is published both internally and externally on Inland Revenue Te Tari Taake’s website.
For the second year, we have created a Māori representation roadmap in partnership with Māori - including data and actions to achieve equitable outcomes for Māori.
Agencies and entities ensure easy access to human resources and remuneration policies, including salary bands. All Inland Revenue Te Tari Taake policies are available for our people on our internal intranet Haukāinga. This includes all human resources policies and remuneration information.
Ngā Hua Tōkeke mō te Utu
Equitable pay outcomes
By the end of 2022, entities ensure that starting salaries and salaries for the same or similar roles are not influenced by bias. Our banded and graded pay structures mitigate bias by removing the role of a single leader in pay decisions. Our remuneration structure is robust, with controls for the potential for bias. Starting salaries for same or similar roles are based on pay bands and capability.
Agencies monitor starting salaries and salaries for the same or similar roles to ensure gender and ethnic pay gaps do not reopen. On-going scans check for any flags in same or similar roles and trigger further investigation.
Pay equity processes are used to address claims and reduce the impact of occupational segregation.

Pay equity | Public Service Commission
Inland Revenue Te Tari Taake has been party to two pay equity claims and follows the lead of Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission.
Te whai kanohi i ngā taumata katoa
Leadership and representation
By the end of April 2023 agencies/entities have plans and targets to improve gender and ethnic representation in their workforce and leadership.
By the end of 2024 the Public Service workforce and leadership are substantially more representative of society.
See the Measuring Changes section of this roadmap.
We have achieved gender balanced leadership between men and women at all levels of leadership.
We are focusing on shifting representation – see our Representation Goals section.
Te Whakawhanaketanga i te Aramahi
Effective career and leadership development
By mid 2023, agencies/entities have career pathways and equitable progression opportunities that support women, Māori, Pacific Peoples and ethnic employees to achieve their career aspirations. The foundations are in place for Whanake – our performance approach, capability-based roles, and talent management. We are now focusing on embedding and evolving these inclusive people practices, and focusing on reducing the barriers to career development for Māori and Pacific Peoples.
Te whakakore i te katoa o ngā momo whakatoihara, haukume anō hoki
Eliminating all forms of bias and discrimination
By the end of 2023 entities have remuneration and human resources (HR) systems, policies and practices designed to remove all forms of bias and discrimination. In 2018, we introduced a new pay approach and continued to embed it over 2019. Our banded and graded pay structures mitigate bias by removing the role of a single leader in pay decisions. Both pay approaches prioritise larger increases for those paid lower in the pay range. We know that our remuneration structure is robust, with controls for the potential for bias.
Agencies embed and monitor the impact of bias-free HR and remuneration policies and practices. We continue to embed learning around the role bias can play in the decisions leaders make and review our HR practices and polices regularly to mitigate bias.
Agencies/entities ensure leaders and employees learn about and demonstrate cultural competence. Our people networks are well supported and help to create awareness and learning of a range of different cultures at Inland Revenue Te Tari Taake. Cultural competency learning is available for all our people, with tools and systems in development or being embedded to put learning into practice through the decisions leaders need to make about their people.
Te Taunoa o te Mahi Pīngore
Flexible work by default
By the end of 2024 agencies and entities offer equitable access to flexible-by-default working and ensure it does not undermine career progression or pay. Our refreshed Flexible Working Policy and Guidelines were released in 2021 and are aligned with the flexible-by-default guidelines. Our policy reinforces a principles-based approach to flexibility. We are now focusing on leadership capability to lead in a flexible by default way, and to embed our approach, with a particular focus on location-flexible working. Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission will be producing revised guidance on Flexible Work by Default and Hybrid Working Arrangements and during 2024/25 we will update our policies to reflect this.
Last updated: 14 Nov 2024
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