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If you disagree with a decision or assessment we've made that affects your child support, you can object in writing.

If your objection meets the requirements, we’ll reconsider the decision or assessment we made. If it’s wrong, we’ll fix it.

Contact us first

Objecting is a formal process that can take a while. Often, your problem may be fixable by another, simpler option. (Like estimating your income, or telling us about a change of circumstances.)

Before you object, call us to talk about your situation.

Contact us

Who can object

Any paying (liable) parent, receiving carer or non-parent carer can object, as long as all of these apply.

  • You are directly affected by the decision or assessment.
  • You got a letter or notice about the decision or assessment.
  • You object under at least 1 of the 19 grounds available.

Object within 28 days

We need to get your objection in writing, within 28 days of the date on the letter or notice.

If you object later than this, you need to give a reason why your objection is late.

Show us proof

It’s best to show us proof of why our decision or assessment was wrong. For example, a letter, email, parenting order or bank statements, depending on your grounds for objecting.  

What you can object to

There are 19 different grounds you can object under. They include types of decisions we might make, and why you might think an assessment is wrong.

For example, you might disagree with our decision to:

  • turn down your child support application, estimation or exemption
  • end or change your child support on a particular date
  • charge a penalty.

Read about all 19 grounds, when you might use them, and when there might be an easier solution for you.

Objection grounds for child support 

When it’s best not to object

There are no grounds for objecting to:

  • your child support payments being deducted from your employer – instead, call us to talk about your options
  • the outcome of a child support review – you’ll need to appeal this in the Family Court.  


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Last updated: 18 Jul 2024
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