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FamilyBoost claims | You can now claim FamilyBoost in myIR for the 1 July - 30 September quarter. Find out more: Claim your FamilyBoost

FamilyBoost is a childcare payment to help eligible households pay for the cost of early childhood education (ECE). You may be able to claim up to 25% of your weekly childcare fees, or a maximum of $975 every 3-months.

Claiming: what you need to know

You have to be registered in myIR to claim FamilyBoost.

Childcare fees can include optional charges and services.

Claims for FamilyBoost are for the household, not for each individual child. 

You need to lodge a claim each quarter:

  • July to September
  • October to December
  • January to March
  • April to June.

What you will be able to get is based on what you earn. The maximum entitlement is $975 each quarter, depending on your eligibility.

Can you get FamilyBoost?

Income used for FamilyBoost

Receiving other subsidies

If you get other subsidies to help with your childcare and have extra costs after this, you will be able to claim FamilyBoost. You cannot claim for any costs already covered by a subsidy. An example of a different subsidy is the Childcare Subsidy from Work and Income.

Watch a FamilyBoost summary video

Watch this video to find out what FamilyBoost is, who can get it and how to register and make a claim.

FamilyBoost | What it is and how to register and claim Video information

Audio and Visual Transcript

Scene 1


What is FamilyBoost?

FamilyBoost is a payment that partially refunds eligible households for the costs of early childhood education, also known as ECE.


A child and a sandpit with toys appear on the screen.

The words ‘What is FamilyBoost’ also appear on the screen.

Those words disappear and are replaced by the words ‘FamilyBoost is a payment that partially refunds eligible households for the costs of early childhood education’.

Scene 2


Who can get FamilyBoost?

You could receive FamilyBoost if:

  • You're the caregiver of a child or children aged 5 and under.
  • Your household income is less than $180,000 a year.
  • You have costs from a licensed ECE provider.
  • You're a tax resident of New Zealand.

Separated caregivers can each claim FamilyBoost.


The words ‘Who can get FamilyBoost?’ appear on the screen followed by a list of eligibility criteria and then a clear statement that ‘separated caregivers can each claim FamilyBoost.

Scene 3


If you're getting payments from the Ministry of Social Development and have ECE costs for children in your household, or if you're getting subsidies to help with childcare and still have extra costs, you can claim FamilyBoost.

You cannot claim for any costs already covered by a subsidy.


The words ‘Receiving other payments or subsidies?’ appear followed by a list including ‘Payments from MSD’ and ‘Other childcare subsidies’ and the statement ‘You can claim FamilyBoost if you have ECE costs’.

Scene 4


How much is FamilyBoost?

If you're eligible, your household can claim up to 25% of your weekly childcare fees, or up to a maximum of $975 every quarter.

This includes fees for optional charges and services.

The amount that can be claimed slowly reduces for household incomes over $140,000 up to a maximum of $180,000 a year.


The words ‘How much is FamilyBoost?’ appear on screen with two animated bubbles.

The words ‘Up to 25% of weekly fees’ and ‘Max of $975 every quarter’ appear within the bubbles, adding up to the totals.

Scene 5


How do you register for FamilyBoost?

You need to register for FamilyBoost in myIR, so make sure you have a myIR account set up.

You'll also need:

  • The full name, date of birth and IRD number of each child attending ECE.
  • If you have a partner, their full name, date of birth and IRD number.
  • Your New Zealand bank account details.


The words ‘How do you register?’ appear on screen. A closed laptop appears and then opens with the teal background and myIR logo appearing.

The laptop transitions to the side and the words ‘You will need’ appear along with a list of the personal details required.

Scene 6


You can also provide details about your ECE provider.

This will save time when you need to submit your claim.

You'll need your ECE provider’s:

  • Name
  • Address
  • License number.


A child appears on screen next to an early childhood education learning centre and a book.

A list of the ECE provider details required appears.

Scene 7


To register for FamilyBoost:

  • Log into myIR
  • Select ‘I want to’
  • Search for FamilyBoost.
  • Select Register for FamilyBoost
  • Then complete and submit your details.

We'll process most FamilyBoost registrations instantly.


A closed laptop appears on screen and opens followed by the teal background and myIR logo appearing on the laptop screen.

The myIR registration pathway appears on the laptop screen with ‘I want to’ and a search filter appearing first and the words ‘FamilyBoost’ typing on screen.

The ‘Register for FamilyBoost’ button appears next.

Then the ‘Submit’ button.

Scene 8


How do you claim FamilyBoost?

You need to submit a claim in myIR to get your FamilyBoost refund.

When you submit your claim, you'll need to upload invoices or quarterly statements as PDFs.


The words ‘How do you claim?’ appear on screen along with a closed laptop.

A list about ‘Submitting a claim in myIR’ and ‘Uploading invoices or quarterly statements’ appears on screen.

Scene 9


To claim FamilyBoost in myIR:

  • Select ‘Claim FamilyBoost’ in your FamilyBoost account.
  • Upload your invoices or quarterly statements.
  • Enter your details.
  • Review and confirm your claim.
  • Submit your claim.

We'll pay most FamilyBoost refunds within 15 working days.


The laptop opens with the teal background and myIR logo.

The claims pathway appears with the ‘Claim FamilyBoost’ button first appearing, followed by the buttons ‘Upload’, ‘Review and confirm’ and ‘Submit’ appearing in quick succession.

Scene 10


You'll need to submit a new claim in myIR for each quarter - July to September, October to December, January to March, April to June.

You can only submit your claim, including uploading your invoices or quarterly statements, after the quarter has ended.

For example, for the 1st of July to the 30th of September quarter, you'd submit your claim from the 1st of October.


Four laptops appear on screen along with the myIR logo.

Initially, one laptop is open, and the others are closed.

The words ‘July to September’ and ‘Claim from 1 October’ appear on the first laptop, followed by ‘October to December’ and ‘Claim from 1 January’ on the second laptop, ‘January to March’ and ‘Claim from 1 April’ on the third laptop and ‘April to June’ and ‘Claim from 1 July’ on the fourth laptop.


Scene 11


For more information about FamilyBoost, visit


A child appears alongside a sandpit again.

The website URL appears on screen.

Last updated: 30 Sep 2024
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