If your family income changes, update your details in myIR so we can ensure you get the right Working for Families payments during the year.
Working out your family income
You will need to include income you've already earned and income you expect to earn up until 31 March.
Before you start
Make sure you have all your income information. For example, payslips, forecasted business accounts or letters from ACC, any amounts of child support paid or received.
In myIR, go to your Working for Families account
Select 'Family and income details'
Select 'Update income'
If you’re changing 1 of the income types already listed under 'income IR knows about’, select 'no' to the question ‘Do you have any additional income for the year ending 31 March 20xx’,
If you have selected 'yes' to add some new types of income, you will select those income sources from the list on the next screen.
You will be asked to add an income estimate for each income source.
If you have a partner, you will also be asked to update their income estimate.
Submit changes
Log in to myIR
You can send us a message in myIR or call us.
What happens next
We will update your entitlement. You can see new payment details in myIR.
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