You can use our calculator or chart to estimate your Working for Families entitlement ─ the easy way.
However, if you’re eligible for Working for Families, we’ll work out your entitlement for you. Then we’ll give you a notice of entitlement telling you how much you’ll get and the date of the payments.
You can expect a notice of entitlement:
- when you first apply for Working for Families
- every February or March when we confirm your entitlement for the new tax year ahead (which starts on 1 April)
- whenever changes in your family income or situation affect your entitlement.
You’ll get your notice of entitlement in myIR, or in the mail if you do not have a myIR account.
Working for Families calculator
Enter your details to get an estimate of your Working for Families entitlement.
Use this calculator to estimate how much your payments could be.
Go to this toolWorking for Families chart
Our chart also gives you an idea of the amount you could get.
Estimates only
The entitlements shown in the calculator and chart are estimates only.
Please note the calculator does not take into account shared care arrangements for the minimum family tax credit.
And the chart does not take into account shared care arrangements for any type of Working for Families payment.
If your family income or situation changes during the year, or if you have a shared care arrangement for one or more children, your actual entitlement may be different.
Changes to your family situation, income and working hours
The calculations
You can check out the detailed calculations behind each type of Working for Families payment on the individual pages under ‘Types of payment’:
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