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Hamilton (Home Straight) public counter is temporarily closed | Our Hamilton Public Counter will be closed from Monday 3 March 2025 and re-opens on Monday 17 March 2025. For anything urgent, you can call our contact centre.

Our aim is to prevent customers from getting into debt. When they do, we work with them to decide the best option for dealing with their debt based on their circumstances.

To ensure customers do not remain in debt for a long time, we work with them to help them pay debt off quickly. We do this by:

  • Understanding our customers’ needs and behaviours through continuously monitoring their experiences and outcomes in real time and sharing information across government.
  • Identifying who is likely to need our help by taking a risk informed approach to understanding customers’ financial health and capability and their compliance behaviours and identifying who is unlikely to self-correct and less likely to pay.
  • Reaching high-risk customers by tailoring our interventions and interactions based on customers’ financial health and past compliance behaviours.
  • Ensuring policy settings enable a customer’s entire circumstances to be considered when dealing with debt and recognise the long-term value of a customer, smoothing out variations in cashflow.
  • Supporting our people to interact with customers in debt confidently, consistently, and transparently.

Our debt performance measures will reflect the customer outcomes we’re aiming to achieve and enable us to quickly adjust our activity. We will have measures that are complemented by a comprehensive monitoring plan and quickly enable us to see anything unexpected and put the right actions in place.

Last updated: 09 Jan 2025
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