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Follow these steps to apply for a review of your child support. You'll need to apply under 1 or more of 11 grounds, showing us how the formula assessment does not take your special circumstances into account.

Before you apply, read about how reviews work and how they might affect your payments and entitlements.

About reviews

Before you start

You'll need:

  • the years you want reviewed (1 April to 31 March)
  • the names of the children covered in the review
  • to list the grounds (reasons) for your review
  • to tell us why you believe the assessment should be changed, matching your special circumstances with the grounds you've chosen
  • evidence or information that shows how you (or the other parent) meet those grounds.

If you're applying for a past child support year, you’ll need to explain why you did not apply at the time.

With the future hearing, decide if you want to:

  • attend by phone
  • have a support person
  • have a representative attend in your place.

In myIR, go to the child support account panel

Then select 'More...'

Select 'Apply for a child support review'

Fill in the application form

You'll need to select each ground you're applying for. Also:

  • explain how your special circumstances match the grounds you've chosen
  • provide the supporting information needed as proof for each ground. 

Each ground has a link to more information and a list of any extra information you need to provide. Try to keep it short and relevant, as this will help the review officer make a recommendation.

If you're applying under Ground 5 or Ground 11, we'll ask you about your situation and costs.

Grounds for reviews

Submit your application

After you've sent us your application, you'll get an alert in myIR called 'Financial details for a child support review'.

We strongly recommend you supply financial details. These help the review officer to make their recommendation for the review. They can only make a recommendation based on the information you give to them.

This information is shared with the other people involved, so make sure you only provide information you're comfortable with them receiving.

Log in to myIR

You can fill in the Application for an administrative review - IR470 form online or on paper.

You can also send us your financial details in an IR178 form if you think it will help with the review. Remember, the information is shared with other people involved. Make sure you only provide information you're comfortable with them receiving.

Sending us the form as a message in myIR

Make sure you let us know the message is for child support. Attach your completed IR470 form and any supporting documents to the message.

You do not need to sign the form when sending it to us in myIR.

How to send a message in myIR

Sending us the form by post

Check you've included your correct information and any documents we need. Sign the form and send your documents to us at:

Child Support
PO Box 39010
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt 5045

Child support - contact us

What happens next

We'll assess your application and be in touch with you to talk about it. We may also ask you to provide more information to support your application.

If we accept the application, we’ll arrange for a hearing.

Read more about how review decisions are made.

Decisions from child support reviews

My responsibilities

As a child support customer, you'll always need to:

  • tell us about changes
  • check your information
  • tell us if something is wrong.

Update your details

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Last updated: 17 Jul 2024
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