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If you have more than 1 tax account type you can use the main default address for these or choose a different address for each of them.

In myIR, select the 'I want to...' tab

Select 'Manage names and addresses'

Select the 'Addresses' tab

Select the address you want to change, or select 'Change address' if no specific address already exists.

Make the change and submit it

Log in to myIR

If you want to use a paper form, download our Change of details form - IR238. Fill it in and send it to us at:

Inland Revenue
PO Box 39010
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt 5045
New Zealand

Or, you can also call us.

General enquiries and myIR support

Businesses and organisations - contact us

Your responsibilities

It's important you keep your contact, income type and bank account details updated.

If you're a Working for Families or child support customer you'll also need to tell us about changes to your family situation or income.

Last updated: 18 Dec 2024
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