Keeping your bank account details updated means we can pay any refund faster.
You can update your details anytime in myIR.
If you're adding an account for your Working for Families payments, the bank account must be in either the principal caregiver's name, or if it's a joint bank account the principal caregiver's name must be on the joint account.
In myIR, select the 'I want to...' tab
Select 'Manage refund bank accounts'
Select 'Add your bank account number'
You need to add your bank account number using this format:
10-1234-00123456-0000 (bank, branch, account, suffix)
You can find your bank account number in your internet banking app or on your bank statement. This may be more numbers than you have, so we’ll add the extra leading zeros to the account number or to the suffix if you do not add them. Your bank account will still be correct.
Add the name on your account
We'll also need the reference number if you have a credit union or building society account.
Select the account types you want to add the refund bank account for
Submit the change
Log in to myIR
You can call us at any time and update your main address using our self-service number.
Or, you can call us and speak with a customer service officer.
General enquiries and myIR support
Businesses and organisations - contact us
Your responsibilities
It's important you keep your contact, income type and bank account details updated.
If you're a Working for Families or child support customer you'll also need to tell us about changes to your family situation or income.