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If you’re calling from Australia, Canada, China, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, South Korea, the United Kingdom, or the United States of America, you can use these tollfree phone numbers:

Country Tollfree phone number
Australia All queries: 1800 716 872
Child Support queries only: 1800 504 042
 Student loans queries only: 1800 559 653
 Canada 1 833 511 6001
 China  China North: 1 0800 261 1397
 China South: 1 0800 610 0120
 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 800 930 566
 South Korea 007 986 110 007
 UK  All queries: 0808 234 4200
Student loans queries only: 0808 234 0098
 USA  1 833 560 9876

Not fluent in English?

Call us on 0800 700 334 to listen to the options more slowly. This number is especially helpful to anyone who is not fluent in English, or people with hearing impairments.

Callers from anywhere else in the world can call the slowed service on +64 483 25260 (charges may be apply).

Calling hours

Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm (New Zealand time) for all queries except for: 

  • Child Support 8am - 5pm 
  • Student loans 6.15am - 6pm
Last updated: 12 Aug 2024
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