You can find information on all our topics here.
You can use the search above to find more pages that relate to your tax situation.
Contact us
General enquiries and myIR support
Income tax
Tax codes and tax rates for individuals
Work out tax on your yearly income
Income tax for businesses and organisations
Employing staff
Deductions from salary and wages
Managing my tax
Support for families
Can you get Working for Families?
Apply for Working for Families
Who can pay or receive child support?
Applications for paid parental leave
Student loans
Repaying my student loan when I earn salary or wages
Repaying my student loan when I am self-employed or earn other income
Getting my KiwiSaver funds early
Taxes and other obligations
Support for families
Other subjects
Individuals and families
Business and organisations
Intermediaries and others
Child support
I am a child support customer moving to Australia
I am a child support recipient moving to another country
I just got a child support notice
Coming to or leaving New Zealand
I am coming to work or study in New Zealand
I have returned to New Zealand
I am making a foreign super withdrawal
I am self-employed and making a loss
Working for Families
I am a PIE investor with a student loan or Working for Families
I am in Working for Families debt
My Working for Families payments have stopped
Life events
I am separating from my partner
I'm looking after the affairs of someone who has died
Refunds and filing
I need to file my employment information
I received an income tax assessment
I have been asked to complete an individual tax return IR3
I'm struggling to file and pay my tax